About us
Economic participation and empowerment of women is recognized globally as essential for the progress of any nation and is considered a very important contributor in the economic growth. Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2015 ranks Pakistan 143 out of 145 countries in economic participation and opportunities and 135 in educational attainment. (Pacific, 2016)
Women have been adding value to the society as homemakers, contributors in the society and as working professionals in private and public sectors both.
With this idea in mind, a very unique platform of its first ever “women enabling platform” #SHEMATERS Through this platform, the plan is to create a community of likeminded people where they can be a source of inspiration while sharing their success stories, achievement and the challenges along the path of success.
Held on March 20th, 2017 being curated by the like minded Team, with an audience of about 150 guests from corporate and academia, #SHEMATERS was officially launched. This platform aims to launch several initiatives that will ensure greater participation of women in the workforce through education, health, workplace diversity and more.
Adding My Voice to the Orchestra of Life - Syma Arshad.
A Dream, A Vision, A Mission
Objectives of Objectives of #SHEMATERS is more than a platform. Being born in a blessed family, I always wondered about the lives of less fortunate. Was there more to life or are we supposed to just fade away in the hustle and bustle.
As time passed by, I searched for a purposeful life. It has been a life long dream to be able to share the blessings I have been bestowed with. After several years of interactions, intellectual discussions with many promising women and men, and readings the drawn conclusion was, “knowledge grows when spread, happiness multiplies when shared, success becomes infectious when celebrated and strengths are gained when differences are put aside, It is all about complimenting each other”.
Hence “Pay it Forward”…..
This dream by now has become a vision, reflected in every face of the professional transitions. Recently it became a reality and I was blessed enough to be able to give it a name and a collective purpose #SHEMATERS. It was launched as a platform that can mature into mission.
I am proud and exhilarated to share, that today many recognize this humble effort and are willing to carry the torch forward with their own strengths each adding a different flavor and VOICE to #SHEMATERS.
Adding My Voice to the Orchestra of Life - Syma Arshad.